
Government Improvement: It’s not who, it’s how
The past two years have brought waves of political change and outcry- first with the Obama Administration and second with the Tea Party’s fiscal conservatives in Congress. Both movements, while diverse in partisanship, are common in demands for responsible, professional governance.

Facing a daunting national debt and declining quality of life, Americans demand a political system that serves their needs without accumulating debt. Although rival politicians and the electorate are quick to criticize who runs our government, the more important issue is how we run our government.

The Business Analogy
Improving service quality and reducing costs are second nature to businesses; Fortune 500 companies and small proprietorships alike. Businesses are incentivized to produce a profit. The public sector, by contrast, has no such measurable goal or motivating incentive. A lack of proper incentives causes major performance issues and sub-optimizes the good intentions of public officials.

Using an innovative, unconstrained vision Uncle Sam Inc.: Serving the American Consumer compares the federal government to a business entity in order to overcome incentive issues and develop governance solutions. (Read more about this metaphor that will persist throughout the blog)

Your Participation Matters!
Stay tuned as we mature these ideas through the Spring and Summer, inviting guest bloggers and participants from across the country. We’ll update this blog at least weekly and engage our readers with interactive discussions. Please be sure to comment on blog entries and respond to our polls.

Your insight and participation in developing new governance solutions should culminate in a published book in Fall 2011.